“Superbugs”, a global threat

Drug-resitance bacteria, commonly known as “superbugs” are strains of bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi that have become resistant to known antimicrobials (including antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, and antiparasitics). These antimicrobials are used to prevent and treat infectious diseases in humans, animals and plants. 

This process, called Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), is considered to be natural and it happens over time through genetic changes in pathogens. Its emergence and spread is accelerated by human activity, mainly the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials to treat, prevent or control infections in humans, animals and plants. The rise in antibiotic resistance poses a significant threat, diminishing the efficacy of common antibiotics against widespread bacterial infections.

What is the present situation?

According to a study published last month at The Lancet, which is one of the world’s highest-impact academic journals and an internationally trusted source of clinical, public health, and global health knowledge, AMR is posing an important global health challenge in the 21st century.

This study considered the impact of 22 pathogens, 84 treatement combinations against microbes and 11 infectious syndrome in people of all ages from 204 zones all over the world. The reference scenario indicates that deaths from AMR will increase substantially by 2050, specially  when it comes to older than 70 patients, if remediation measures are not in place. Furthermore, it seems to be a problem for all countries at all income levels. Its spread does not recognize country borders.

Is BactiBlock®  effective against superbugs?

BactiBlock® is indeed effective against superbugs. This has been confirmed by a test carried out at an specialized external laboratory where the following microorganisms where tested:

  • Acinetobacter baumannii carbapenem-resistant
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa carbapenem-resistant
  • Escherichia coli carbapenem-resistant ESBL-producing
  • Salmonella carbapenem-resistant ESBL-producing
  • Enterococcus faecium vancomycin-resistant
  • Staphylococcus aureus methicillin-resistant
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae penicillin-non-susceptible

These microorganisms are among those recently studied and are considered as critial by the WHO. In all cases, a low concentration of BactiBlock® has been fairly enough to achieve growth inhibition. 


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