Everyday objects and places where bacterial load is higher

Bacteria such as Salmonella, Listeria, Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia Coli are nowadays confirmed to be the cause of the main gastrointestinal poisoning. These bacteria are easily found in a number of places and objects inside and outside home.

Even though the first place we think about is the toilet, this doesn’t seem to be the most contaminated place we visit throughout the day.

Let’s have a look to the most contaminated places according to a recent study: 

  • Mattresses & pillows: It seems that after two years of use, these objects are an important source of infection. After that time, we will easily find mites, secretions, dead skin, bacteria and saliva.
  • Computer Keyboard: It is possible to detect up to thirty thousand bacteria per square meter in this object. The path for these bacteria to get there is very easy: eating at the work desk or the fact of not washing your hands as often as necessary.
  • Mobile phones: On its surface bacterium like Staphylococcus aureus has been detected. This microorganism can cause a great variety of infections going from skin inflammation or blister to pneumonia or meningitis.
  • Remote controls: It is considered to be one of the dirtiest objects that we touch daily since it is constantly touched by all the family members in any kind of circumstance. What’s more, it is not rare that it ends on the floor.
  • Restaurant menus: Unfortunately, restaurant menus are not cleaned often, that’s why, they become a real bacteria breeding. These bacteria go directly to your hands before starting your lunch.
  • Supermarket cart: Supermarket baskets and carts have by far more germs than a public toilet. Only in the handle, there is more than one million bacteria. Furthermore, 72% of the surface seem to contain coliform bacteria coming from faeces and poor sanitary conditions.
  • ATM: Because of its exposure to contamination, they are considered one the major sources of contamination. Let’s us not forget that not only they’re used daily by hundreds of people but also, they’re in many cases outdoors.
  • Lift buttons & public transport handles: These zones are often the great forgotten ones. Nevertheless, we should bear in mind that they are prone to cumulate dirt, mainly due to contact with dirty hands.
  • Scouring pads & cleaning cloths: They provide the perfect conditions for pathogens to develop since they will take advantage of the intrinsic humidity to survive, remain and go to any other surface or item that get in contact with them.
  • Condiment dispensers: These kinds of dispensers, especially when we find them in restaurants, they are in contact with germs from many people that could not have clean their hands before using them. Apart from that, the rest of condiments and sauces boost bacterial growth.

Keep bacteria far away with BactiBlock®! 

Including BactiBlock® into materials during its manufacturing process will ensure disinfected surfaces lowing the risk of spreading bacteria. BactiBlock® is available in concentrated powder, customized pellets or dispersion. The versatility of this technology makes it very easy to incorporate the additive in polymers, plastics, films, textile, coatings, paper and much more!


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