BactiBlock® meets the ASTM E1428 test against pink stain bacteria!


Microorganisms have a great facility to adhere to practically any type of surface or material, proliferate and form biofilms. Some materials may even change color or stain when microorganisms grow in the environment.

One of the most visible effects of infection by microorganisms is discoloration, in particular, sometimes we can see the appearance of a pink stain.

​One of the most common tests to evaluate antimicrobial performance against pink staining is ASTM E1428. This test is performed on polymeric solids using pink stain test organisms, which are those of the Streptomyces species.
The method is performed by placing the test samples in a container inoculated with bacteria. After an incubation period of 14 days, the presence of pink stains is evaluated.

Following this method, a surface painted with a paint containing BactiBlock® has been evaluated, and it has shown great effectiveness!
Protect your materials against pink stain bacteria and also a broad spectrum of microorganisms with BactiBlock®!

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